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Posts Tagged ‘DUI Law’

Can a DUI charge be successfully Defended?

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

This will be the first in a series of blog entries that will examine various defenses available in DUI cases.

Although not available in every case, and often times defeated by a client’s admission to driving at the time of contact with the Police, an “I wasn’t driving” defense can be successfully asserted in some cases.

I have successfully  asserted this defense for clients, although  it required a trial before we found ears even willing to listen.

There are risks involved in presenting such a defense.  Lindsay Lohan asserted the defense earlier this month to an accusation that she was driving a car (in violation of her probation) that was involved in an accident on the Pacific Coast Highway.  Regrettably for Lindsay, an assistant that was riding with her at the time of the crash confirmed for the police that it was actually Lindsay driving during a follow up interview.

If you or a loved one have been arrested for driving under the influence, protect yourself to the fullest extent possible, contact San Jose DUI Lawyer Bernard P. Bray at (408) 292-9700 and learn your options before you go to court.  It can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.


Why Were Labor Day Weekend 2010 DUI Arrests Down?

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010 DUI arrests were down across California this year.  According to the California Highway Patrol there were 900 DUI related arrests statewide over the long three day weekend as compared with 923 arrests for the same period last year.

Could the flat statistics be a result of the recession?  In other words, could the decrease in arrests be a reflection of statewide police layoffs and cutbacks?  In Santa Clara County the facts would indicate otherwise.  From Friday August 20, 2010, through Saturday September 4, 2010, DUI patrols and sobriety check points were increased as part of a summer DUI crackdown campaign.  Notwithstanding the added enforcement efforts, there were only 343 driving under the influence arrests compared with 363 arrests for the same period a year ago.

 Although the above statistics may reflect a year over year decrease in California DUI related arrests, penalties for a DUI conviction are still potentially quite severe including license suspension, jail time, probation, fines, court fees, alcohol classes, increased insurance premiums, and a criminal record.

 If you or a loved one have been arrested for driving under the influence or should you have questions regarding California DUI law please call San Jose DUI Attorney Bernard P. Bray: (408) 292-9700.

Why Blood Alcohol Concentrations of .15% Matter?

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Pursuant to California Vehicle Code section 23578, persons convicted of driving under the influence in California can expect enhanced penalties in sentencing when they admit to having driven with a blood alcohol concentration of .15% or higher.

The reason for this enhancement is justified by statistics.  Most drivers who have consumed alcohol have low blood alcohol concentrations, and few of these drivers are involved in fatal crashes.  On the hand, while only a relatively few number of drivers have blood alcohol concentrations higher than .15%, a much higher proportion of those drivers have fatal crashes.

If you have questions regarding California DUI law, or should you or a loved have had the misfortune of a DUI arrest, protect yourself to the fullest extent possible, call San Jose DUI Lawyer Bernard P. Bray.

2010: The Year of the Drunk Driving Checkpoint?

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Watch out all would be drivers after consuming alcohol and driving in California.  The California Office of Traffic Safety has recently announced that 2010 will be the Year of the DUI Checkpoint in California.  California already conducts more DUI check points that any other state in the country, and 2010 will see an increase in those checkpoints.

$8,000,000.00 has been allocated by the California Office of Traffic Safety, and it is estimated that this money will fund approximately 2500 DUI checkpoints in 2010, a significant increase over 2009’s approximately 1700 sobriety checkpoints.

A driving under the influence arrest can bring serious consequences in California, including: license suspension, a mandatory jail sentence, probation, stiff fines, court fees, long term alcohol classes, increased insurance premiums, and a criminal record.  The above are all potential standard consequences of a first driving under the influence conviction.  Attorney Bernard P. Bray has extensive experience and an excellent track record of successful results defending drunk driving cases.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for drunk driving contact San Jose DUI Attorney Bernard P. Bray immediately: (408) 292-9700. One must move quickly in securing assistance. An accused only has 10 days in which to request a hearing with the DMV to avoid what otherwise will be an automatic license suspension for an arrestee who produced a .08% or higher blood alcohol test result, or who refused a blood alcohol test.

A Break For DUI Drivers?

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Second and third time DUI drivers in California have for several years been subjected to long term license suspension as a result of their convictions.  Effective this year the rules for obtaining restricted licenses for second and third time California DUI drivers are changing, and providing quite a break.

Now, second time DUI, alcohol only, offenders will be able to apply for a restricted license after ninety days into their otherwise two year license suspension.  Previously, they could only apply after twelve months into their two year suspension.  Third time DUI, alcohol only, offenders will now be able to apply for a restricted license after six months into their three year license suspension.  Previously, they could only apply for a restricted license after twelve months into their three year suspension.

The legislative history surrounding these changes state that their purpose is to encourage drunk drivers to obtain ignition interlock devices by permitting them to obtain restricted licenses sooner if they do.

Should you or a loved one have the misfortune of a DUI arrest and/or have questions concerning California DUI laws contact San Jose DUI lawyer Bernard P. Bray.

Call Now: (408) 292-9700

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